White Light Sanskrit


Reiki is a hands on healing art which involves the channeling of energy through the hands for the purpose of healing the body, mind, spirit, and emotions.  This energy can be translated in its simplest form as universal life force energy. 


Along with Reiki, the White Light Sanskrit gives off the white light vibration.  The Sanskrit should be hung on the wall of the healing space for protection.  This White Light Sanskrit along with Dr. Usui’s picture will provide the creation of a healing space.


The artist is a Usui Reiki Master and has been practicing for many years.  Each White Light Sanskrit has been individually hand painted and is unique.  In addition, the Sanskrit have been blessed with Reiki and have been painted for the highest good of the individual who wish to purchase them. 


The sanskrit is painted on stretched canvas using a shade of blue that each Reiki student envisions when being attuned to Reiki.  A border has been placed on the canvas so it can be hung without a frame.  Each painting is plastic wrapped upon receiving it.


Dr. Usui’s photo and the five discipline is framed and ready to be hung.  It has also been blessed with Reiki.  




 *Prices will vary on special size request. 




 The Spirit with in my recognizes and bless the Spirit with in you.

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